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Great taste has to start with great ingredients
Aura Cilento

Pomodori verdi in olio EVO Cilentano

14.90 CHF

Ingredients: aceto, aglio, olio EVO 20%, peperoncino, pomodori (80%), sale, semi di finocchietto selvatico
300 g
SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Cilento unripe tomatoes harvested and raw-processed. Preserved in Cilento extra virgin olive oil. Suitable for appetizers and / or side dishes.

Additional information

Luca was born in the late ‘ 70s in an uncontaminated and old Cilento. He received a agricultural training from the father, and marine one from his mother’ family. Grows up so careful to natural passions and to environmental and sustainable issues, ranging from fishing boat, to walking in the hills and woods looking for wild asparagus and mushrooms. So without forget love for his land and his Cilento’s culture, he turns his passions into his business… transforming the products of his land in traditional preserves. AURA’s products originate from careful selection of the most valuable fishes, fruits and vegetables of Parco Nazionale del Cilento and Area Marina Protetta degli Infreschi, using the characteristics of old and unspoiled land and sea. Cilento is a remote coastal area south of the neighboring Campania and Basilicata, in antiquity it was part of the Great Lucania, which still preserves the traditions, customs, the names of villages and the rural culture and seafaring. It is the land where Ancel Keys, American biologist, invented the Mediterranean diet. He, in fact, noting widespread longevity, moved there after the war to study the benefits that eating well and healthy to bring health.


NUTRITIONAL VALUES (circa per 100g of product)

Energy value 213 kcal
Fats 14.8g (of which saturated 1.9g)
Carbohydrates 23.3 g (of which sugars 8.3 g)
Protein 5.06g
Salt 0.26g