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Our partners are carefully handpicked from a variety of artisans devoted to the creation of sustainable, healthy, and delicious food in the respect of the tradition. Here you can discover more about our high-quality pasta makers, cheese factories, organic farmers, wine producers, and many others.
Right Parallax Background Element

From the cultivation of the ingredients to the creation of the final products, our artisans work with hands, the traditional way.

Sustainable Processes

Being in full control of every step of the production, the farmers can guarantee the respect of the environmental equilibria of the planet.

Our partners are small realities and family businesses deeply connected to their local environments, ensuring the authenticity of their methods.

Featured Partners

"We share many values with Terra Consulting and this has contributed to making our partnership even more meaningful. Their idea of excellence fits ours perfectly: our food is produced sustainably, with dedication, and with respect for the tradition."

Pasta Elisan

“We humbly accepted to collaborate with Terra Consulting as soon as we realisedrealized their enthusiasm for good food. For us, good food is a process that requires tonnestons of love and passion for the raw ingredients, the willingness to follow the tradition, and the respect of the land. This is our philosophy, this is why we chose Terra Consulting..”


"Our collaboration with Terra Consulting has elevated the value of our work more than ever before. We are proud to see our passion for traditional flavoursflavors reach even Switzerland."

Giamaica caffe